Saturday, April 12, 2008

News Roundup

No Room at the Top
Climate change forces birds to live at higher and higher altitudes—until there’s nowhere to go
Just seven years ago, climate change wasn’t listed as a potential hazard in Threatened Birds of the World. Now it gets its own heading in the annual book, and with good reason: a new study finds that climate change may trigger the extinction of 30 percent of land bird species by the year 2100.

Microsoft bird-watching in the name of climate change

Avocets Arrive in Britain three weeks early
February 2008. Four Avocets have returned to the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust’s reserve at Martin Mere in the UK at least three weeks earlier that usual, making this the earliest record in Lancashire of a returning group of summer wading birds for breeding.
This is also yet another clear indicator that climate change is affecting the migration patterns of birds.

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